Patriot Title Company (also known as “Patriot Title Agency), a title insurance agency licensed under Virginia Law (License Number 107612), is affiliated with the three largest title underwriters in the U.S., First American Title Insurance Company, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company and Old Republic National Title Insurance. Title insurance protects the policyholder against damages caused by title defects in their real estate interest, including forgery, fraud, divorce and estate claims, and improperly indexed deeds and other recorded instruments, among many others. Please review the article 70+ Ways to Lose Your Property.
The Agency issues title insurance commitments (or “binders”), policies, and other services for the benefit of purchasers, sellers, borrowers, lenders, and others involved in residential and commercial property transactions of all types, including purchase, refinance, and construction loan transactions, primarily in Southwest Virginia. We strongly recommend that purchasers involved in real estate transactions obtain title insurance.